Using OrthoPhoto For Dental Braces Treatment

Using OrthoPhoto For Dental Braces Treatment

Dental photography is a crucial component of dentistry that aids in dental marketing, as well as essential record-keeping. There are different cameras used by dentists and orthodontists when photographing their dental braces patients, and OrthoPhoto is the superior option. In this article, we will compare other dental photography cameras to OrthoPhoto App.

DSLR Cameras for Dental Record-Keeping

DSLR’s, such as those by Canon or Nikon, take beautiful pictures, as well as 4K video if you get a newer model. These cameras are often recommended to orthodontists due to their excellent quality for taking photos of their patients’ teeth throughout the course of their dental braces treatment. 

However, DSLR’s do tend to be on the pricier side, especially since they offer plenty of features that go beyond the scope of a dentist’s or orthodontist’s needs, so the extra money may be hard to justify.

Point-And-Shoot Cameras For Dental Photography

Point-and-shoot cameras offer just enough for orthodontists to get the most use out of them. They are also a lot more user-friendly than a DSLR because, as the name suggests, all you need to do with this type of camera is point it and take the picture. Its ease of use, however, means that the photos aren’t taken in the best quality and clarity.

OrthoPhoto Works Wonders For Dental Photography

OrthoPhoto has successfully automated the time-consuming process of capturing and sorting images of your patients’ dental braces progress. With a typical camera, orthodontists and general or cosmetic dentists who offer dental braces treatments have to take the photos, upload them, manually crop and organize them into a file, and then place them into the right patient’s file. A single patient may take 15-30+ minutes, so dentists and orthodontists often spend a lot of time after closing just getting this task done. With OrthoPhoto App, however, orthodontists can take photos right on their smartphone camera, and today’s smartphones have astounding capabilities that keep getting better!

OrthoPhoto App also automatically places the braces progress photos into a templated document with the correct crop, size, and order and then places them in a specific patient’s file. This significantly cuts down the time it takes to organize braces photos so dentists can dedicate their energy to resting and making memories with loved ones after they close their office for the day.

Three Problems OrthoPhoto App Fixes For Orthodontists

Three Problems OrthoPhoto App Fixes For Orthodontists

Every day new smartphone applications are made available to professionals, including dentists and orthodontists. OrthoPhoto App is a revolutionary smartphone application that is transforming the way they practice dentistry. In this article, we will address 3 common problems that OrthoPhoto alleviates for dental professionals.

OrthoPhoto Saves Time

Before OrthoPhoto, busy orthodontists and general dentists who offer dental braces treatments had to take the time after-hours to upload all of the photos they had taken of their patients’ dental braces progress. Once uploaded, they had had to follow with cropping the photos, placing them in the correct slideshow format, and sending them via email so they could later be stored in patient files. On average, a single patient may take 15 minutes, and although this may not seem like much on the surface, multiple patients quickly add up to a few hours at a time that could instead be spent with their loved ones, engaging in hobbies, and/or resting. When orthodontists use OrthoPhoto App on their smartphone, all they need to do is select the patient folder and take the dental braces progress photos–the application will automatically take care of the rest and put it into an easily exportable format.

OrthoPhoto App Creates A Better Patient Experience

As passionate as dentists and orthodontists are about their jobs, the fact remains that many patients dread dental appointments, and dental braces patients aren’t an exception. Most patients just want to get in and get out, and OrthoPhoto App makes this possible with its smooth, error-free ease of use.

OrthoPhoto App Makes Dental Recordkeeping A Faster, Easier Process

Our application has various plans that allow for different amounts of patient files. Once dentists and orthodontists pick the plan that works best for them, all of the photos they have taken of their patients’ dental braces progress will remain safely stored on our HIPAA-compliant app. Whenever dentists and orthodontists need to reference patients’ dental records, it’s as easy as completing a search on the app. With its fast loading times, dentists and orthodontists can pull complete dental records in the palms of their hands and in a matter of seconds. 

OrthoPhoto Has Changed How Over 1,000 Dentists And Orthodontists Run Their Practices

With over 1,000 subscribers, we are so excited to see how OrthoPhoto is revolutionizing dental braces care. If you’re ready to elevate your practice with OrthoPhoto, download OrthoPhoto App for iOS or OrthoPhoto App for Android.

Improve Your Dental Office's Workflow As You Receive More Patients

Improve Your Dental Office's Workflow As You Receive More Patients

States are continuing to open back up and reduce restrictions as more COVID-19 vaccines roll out, which means families will gradually feel safer going to the dentist if they haven’t already. As dentists and orthodontists get busy again, now is the perfect time to reassess your office’s workflow and make any changes that could improve efficiency. In this article, we’ll offer some ideas to consider when evaluating your team’s workflow.

Are You Implementing Time Blocks?

When team members need to be highly active and productive, they tend to try to multitask, but a better solution is to create time blocks.

When creating time blocks, determine what needs to be done in a given day/week and set time blocks each day to address those tasks. For example, maybe from 7 AM to 10 AM you focus only on dental veneers, and then from noon to 3 PM you see dental braces patients. Similarly, your front desk team can focus solely on billing for a couple of hours a day before switching to other tasks. The good thing about time blocks is that each individual can set their own time blocks and they can adjust accordingly. Soon enough you will see a positive difference in your team and realize each member is much more focused and more productive.

Do Dental Braces Progress Photos Take A Lot Of Time After Hours?

There are plenty of different mobile apps for orthodontists, each of which is designed to make them more efficient and improve the patient’s experience. OrthoPhoto is the newest app designed for orthodontists as well as dentists that offer dental braces treatment and/or Invisalign, which enables dentists to take dental photographs of their orthodontic patients’ mouths over the course of their braces treatment. With OrthoPhoto, instead of taking photos on a braces camera, uploading them, cropping them, and placing them into a slideshow, OrthoPhoto App automatically does it with the snap of your smartphone camera. The revolutionary mobile application automatically places the images in the correct order and into a template that organizes them in the proper crop, which is then saved in the corresponding patient’s file. Dentists who treat braces patients no longer need to work after-hours to sort through clinical braces progress images. Download it today on the App Store or on Google Play.

Is Augmenting Paperwork Slowing Your Practice Down?

A lot of patient paperwork means patients are slowed down, which means your staff is slowed down. Let’s face it, dentist appointments can be a dread for many, and patients need to go back to school or work after their appointment, so the less time they spend waiting, the better for them and for your team. There are a few ways to make wait times next to nothing, each of which involves reducing paper clutter, including:

  • Providing new patient paperwork through an online portal
  • Asking patients ahead of time if any of their info has changed
  • Invest in a cloud-based practice management software that makes organizing and delegating a much smoother process.

The Takeaway

Dentists are getting busier as more vaccines become available, and they need to anticipate this increase in work. There are a number of ways to assess and improve your orthodontic practice’s workflow, and small changes quickly add up. 

Technology Is Changing How Dentists And Orthodontists Practice

Technology Is Changing How Dentists And Orthodontists Practice

It’s no secret that technology is ever-evolving, and through its countless improvements, there is a general consensus that technology changes our personal and professional lives for the better. In this article, we will break down the top technology trends that have changed the way dentists and orthodontists practice, and how they can better harness these technologies to expand their practices.

Teledentistry Is Making Dental Healthcare More Accessible

Telemedicine wasn’t something anyone expected to see anytime soon, but the COVID-19 pandemic the world continues to fight caused a dire need for remote healthcare. Although teledentistry may have more constraints than regular telemedicine, the fact remains that patients feel better knowing that they can attend a digital consult to find out if they need to go into the office for further care.

Digital X-rays And 3D Imaging For Better Orthodontic Care

X-rays are a tried and true method for spotting dental health issues–such as cavities or wisdom teeth eruption–early on. Today, many orthodontists can utilize 3D x-rays to take a more accurate and detailed look at a patient’s mouth.

3D imaging has gained popularity as a better, easier, and more effective method for orthodontists to map out how their patients’ dental braces treatment will progress. As a rising technology for orthodontists and general dentists, we recommend that you look into offering 3D imaging and x-rays as a way to provide greater value to your patients.

OrthoPhoto App Streamlines Dental Recordkeeping And Tracking Dental Braces Progress

Created by dentist Kathy Nguyen for other dentists who offer dental braces and/or Invisalign, OrthoPhoto App is a smartphone application that has redefined how thousands of practicing dentists and orthodontists take critical photos of their patients’ dental braces progress. 

Rather than relying on a bulky dental camera that may or may not take high-quality photos and spending hours after your office has closed to upload the photos, crop them, place them into a document, and manually store them in your patient files, OrthoPhoto lets dentists do all of this right on their smartphones. Capture dental braces photos on the app with your smartphone camera and watch as OrthoPhoto App automatically sizes them, places them into a template, and organizes them into the designated patient folders in an easily exportable format.

OrthoPhoto App has successfully enabled over 1,000 orthodontists and dentists to practice better dentistry while simultaneously improving their quality of life and that of their patients’. Download OrthoPhoto for iOS here and OrthoPhoto for Android here.

Set Your Dental Practice Apart From Others

Set Your Dental Practice Apart From Others

Dentistry is still a growing field, especially as more dentists and orthodontists attempt to join a well-established practice or open their own practice upon graduation. With a consistent surge in competition, setting your practice apart from others is getting increasingly difficult. In this article, we will offer some advice on what you can do to set your dental practice apart from the competition.

Begin By Thinking About The Best That Your Practice Offers

Standing out starts with you as the practice owner determining why you are a valuable asset to your community. Perhaps you have unique experience abroad, speak multiple languages, have an incredible ability to work with anxious children and quickly earn their trust, etc. When you determine what makes you unique, the hardest part is over!

Modernize Your Dental Practice With Easy-To-Use Technology, Like OrthoPhoto App

There are multiple ways to modernize your dental or orthodontic practice. Today, modern simplicity is winning everyone over. In addition to modernizing your practice’s interior, you could also turn to mobile technology that aids in dental record-keeping, such as OrthoPhoto App. OrthoPhoto App is our smartphone application that transforms how you track your patients’ dental braces progress. 

Rather than using bulkier, more complex, or poor-quality photo cameras, OrthoPhoto converts your smartphone camera into a tool for dental photography. Upon taking photos of your patients’ teeth as they progress through their dental braces treatment, the app automatically crops and sorts the dental photographs into a template. Not only does this speed up the process for your patient who is already pressed for time, but this also means you don’t need to spend much time after-hours sorting through your images.

Practice better dentistry with OrthoPhoto App for iOS here, or for Android here.

Market Your Dental Practice

For any business, marketing is the best way to generate more revenue. Keep new patients coming with an effective dental marketing strategy, complete with a brand new dental website, digital advertising, localized SEO, and even social media. Our affiliate marketing agency, INFINI Marketing, has a roster of dental practices they have successfully grown by designing and implementing custom marketing strategies.

It’s Possible To Make Your Dental Practice Stand Out Against Others

Whether you’re an orthodontist or a general/cosmetic dentist that offers dental braces treatment, it is completely possible to set your practice apart from others with the right tools and some creative thinking.