A dentist using the OrthoPhoto app

The Role of Photos in Orthodontics for Dental Recordkeeping

Orthophotos serve many functions throughout treatment with dental braces, providing valuable visual data for both the dentist and patient. They play a crucial role in diagnosis, treatment planning, and post-treatment phases. Save time and take better orthophotos with the very first patient management app. Ortho Photo lets you take high-quality pictures and automatically sort them to their corresponding patient files. Learn more about how superior dental braces photos help in dental recordkeeping.

Pre-Treatment Diagnosis

Before starting treatment, orthodontists take frontal and profile photographs of their patient's face. These aid in assessing facial symmetry, balance, and the relationship between the teeth, lips, and other facial structures. Dentists also use dental analysis via intraoral photographs to document the initial malocclusion or misalignment of teeth. Dental braces photos include various views of the teeth and bite and the relation between them.

Treatment Planning

The photos you take in your dental recordkeeping app help you create an effective treatment plan for your patient. They serve as baseline records, which you can use to track progress and compare changes. Detailed images you take with your dental braces camera also help you customize your patient’s treatment plan that will yield the best results. They let you assess a patient’s individual needs while considering both oral health and aesthetic outcomes.

Patient Education

Patients also need to stay well-informed on their treatment progress. You can show the photos on your dental recordkeeping app to help them understand their orthodontic issues and why your treatment plan was tailored that way. Periodic orthophotos can be motivating and reassuring to patients, especially if they know they’re on the right track.

Documentation or Dental Recordkeeping

Dentists can also use dental recordkeeping photos for their own professional development. You can use before-and-after photos as part of your portfolio to demonstrate your skills and outcomes. Orthophotos also serve the role of legal protection. They provide a visual record of your patient's condition at various stages, which can be important if they have disputes or concerns later on.

Post-Treatment Evaluation

After treatment with dental braces, you can use the photos to evaluate the treatment's success and analyze areas for potential improvement in the future. Comparing pre- and post-treatment photos in dental recordkeeping is a motivational tool for patients. It lets them see the dramatic changes and improvements that have been achieved at your dental practice. The comparison can help you gain referrals and expand your business.

Save Time and Download a Dental Recordkeeping App!

Orthodontic photos are crucial for an efficient and effective dental practice. Take advantage of high-quality photos and user-friendly OrthoPhoto screens right on your smartphone or tablet. Our dental recordkeeping app has all the essentials you need to capture and sort patient photos. It’s time to grow with the changing times through our HIPAA-compliant app. Download OrthoPhoto today on Google Play or the App Store!