A dentist using the OrthoPhoto app

4 Ways to Modernize Your Dental Practice & Better Retain Patients

As modern technology pushes the world to greater heights, the dental industry is riding the same wave and reaping the benefits. Whether you’re just starting out as a dental practitioner or have been in business for years, you understand the role of digital tools in better retaining your patients. One such software is OrthoPhoto, the very first patient management app that lets you save time and streamline dental recordkeeping. Continue reading on how to modernize your practice.

Integrate the Latest Technology

OrthoPhoto is a dental recordkeeping app that provides you with all the essentials that a traditional dental braces camera can never give. Before its inception, dentists would take dental braces photos and manually upload them on their computer. They will then rename the files and sort them one by one only to save them on patient folders that they’ve painstakingly created. All of that tedious work is erased with OrthoPhoto. Now, with a few taps on your mobile device, you can manage patient photos in a quick and convenient way. Learn more about the app’s features here.

Utilize Modern Communication Tools

Aside from letting you manage dental recordkeeping, OrthoPhoto also provides easier access to patient records. Simply input patient information alongside their corresponding ortho photo folder. This way, you can retrieve a patient’s phone number and email quickly without having to sift through other apps. You can also view their latest photo within seconds. OrthoPhoto encourages better communication, which can help you retain more patients. 

Update to a User-Friendly Website

These days, patients’ attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. To capture their eye, you need a straight-to-the-point website with catchy marketing slogans and quality images. Your website needs to be user-friendly for all ages and must contain the most important information about your dental practice. If you need help building your website, our affiliate marketing agency, INFINI Marketing, offers dental web design packages. Stand out in the modern era through SEO tactics that will let you reach a wider audience.

Expand Through Digital Marketing

INFINI Marketing helps you expand your dental practice through a strong social media strategy. They provide comprehensive digital marketing services, which includes expertly timed posts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. All of your potential patients know how to use the internet and will likely find you through one of the platforms mentioned above. Staying active on the most popular social channels gives you a better chance of retaining your digital-minded audience. Get a free marketing consultation with INFINI Marketing today.

Modernize Dental Recordkeeping With OrthoPhoto

Save time and take better OrthoPhotos when you take advantage of the latest advancement in dental recordkeeping. Taking a high-quality ortho photo is as simple as opening the app. Your OrthoPhoto screen helps you maximize office workflow through swift navigation. You get all the OrthoPhoto essentials in our HIPAA-compliant app. Download the app today on Google Play or the App Store!