How to Make Your Office More Appealing For Patients Seeking Dental Braces Treatment

How to Make Your Office More Appealing For Patients Seeking Dental Braces Treatment

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Plenty of orthodontists have their own practices, but each year it seems more and more dentists or orthodontists are starting their own practices or joining already-established practices. With this surge in competition, how do you make your office more appealing so that you stand out against your competitors? Here is our advice. 

The Key to Standing Out Lies in Differentiation

According to the American Dental Association, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that the employment of orthodontists and dentists would grow by 18% between 2014 and 2024. In an industry with a lot of talent and education behind it, differentiating yourself can be challenging, but it's possible.

Look Into Different Products Your Dental or Orthodontic Practice Could Offer

As you know, there are many kinds of braces on the market. Today, metal dental braces and clear aligners are most commonly offered. Perhaps you should consider offering lingual braces or ceramic dental braces. To further differentiate yourself, take some time to search for less common methods of dental alignment correction, such as braces with a different shape, color, or material. 

At the End of the Day, Remarkable Service is What Keeps Patients Coming Back

One of the most impactful ways to differentiate your practice is by focusing on the customer service and patient experience you deliver. Take some time to evaluate how good your customer service and patient experience is. Is your team organized and punctual in how it receives patients? Is your waiting room designed with your patients’ needs in mind? For example, does it have free Wi-Fi for working adults, outlets, and a fun area for kids? 

If you want to elevate your customer service and patient experience, consider incorporating more technology for patient education and downloading OrthoPhoto App, our smartphone application that transforms how you track your patients’ braces progress. The app lets you take clinical images of your orthodontic patients’ progress throughout their dental braces treatment.

Upon taking the photo, OrthoPhoto App, which you can download here, automatically crops and sorts the dental photographs into a template designed in the appropriate format for dental patient records. Not only does this speed up the process for your patient who is likely already pressed for time, but this also sets you apart from the competition and means you don’t need to spend much time after-hours sorting through your images.